
Showing posts from September, 2012

From the mouths of my children...

From Jack: "This is exasperating!" of his favorite expressions right now. "Mommy did you know that humongous is a three syllable word?" .... Why yes Jack I did know that.  The question is how did you? "Mommy I'm so glad you will still fix me lunch even when I'm a grown up." ... To which I ask how old he thinks he will be when he is considered a grown up.  His response without any hesitation ... "Fifty five years old." From Chase: "Who was dat?"  ... Whenever he hears thunder. :) "Are these me's?"   ...  When meaning to say, " are these mine?" And I just have to say that there are few things sweeter than hearing Chase sing This Little Light of Mine with his Daddy at bedtime. On another note, this just made me chuckle.  I'm thinking most kids have their sandboxes refilled with those nice little bags of sand that their dad picked up at Lowes.  Well let's just say, that's not...

Redeemed: to be given a new identity

There is a song that has been playing on Christian radio lately that just blesses my soul each time I hear it.  It is called "Redeemed" and speaks of the new life we have in Christ when we give him our heart.  There is a line that says God tells us to, "stop fighting a fight that's already been won."  I just love that.  It brings such comfort....such relief to the personal battles we all have.  Thoughts like, "if only I had done that differently in my past", "how God, are you going to work out this problem I'm facing", or "why do I keep dwelling on that hurt or struggle?"  He tells us to let it go.  When we give our lives to Him we are redeemed and set free.  Set free from past regrets, present struggles, and doubts of the future.    Another encouragement I draw from "Redeemed" is the line that says "but when I hear you whisper,"child lift up your head", I remember oh God you're not done with me ...

Visit from grandma, first days, and corn.

Ahhh.  Peace.  Sunshine. Cool breeze.  Here I am sitting on my porch alone.  ALONE!?  wait, what?!  yep I said it.  Both boys started preschool last week.  Chase, 2 mornings a week.  Jack, 4 mornings.  So for 2 mornings I get to savor a little me time, and quite frankly...I. am. happy.  Amazing what just a very short time can do to recharge my mommy batteries.  By the time 11:15 rolls around I will be very anxiously waiting to pick up the boys, dying to hear about what they did, who they talked to, what they learned.....preschool is a beautiful thing for all :).  We had a wonderful time last week as my mom was here with us.  It's always nice when she can stay for awhile and experience the everyday life with us.  But the everyday certainly had some extra things thrown in...she helped me tackle projects like washing all my windows, pulling weeds, cleaning ceiling fa...