From the mouths of my children...

From Jack:
"This is exasperating!" of his favorite expressions right now.

"Mommy did you know that humongous is a three syllable word?" .... Why yes Jack I did know that.  The question is how did you?

"Mommy I'm so glad you will still fix me lunch even when I'm a grown up." ... To which I ask how old he thinks he will be when he is considered a grown up.  His response without any hesitation ... "Fifty five years old."

From Chase:
"Who was dat?"  ... Whenever he hears thunder. :)

"Are these me's?"   ...  When meaning to say, " are these mine?"

And I just have to say that there are few things sweeter than hearing Chase sing This Little Light of Mine with his Daddy at bedtime.

On another note, this just made me chuckle.  I'm thinking most kids have their sandboxes refilled with those nice little bags of sand that their dad picked up at Lowes.  Well let's just say, that's not how we roll.  Here was the boy's new shipment of sand brought in by daddy last weekend.  It ought to last us for awhile.

Happy Friday and the happiest of birthday's to my awesome big brother.  Love you Josh!
