There is a song that has been playing on Christian radio lately that just blesses my soul each time I hear it. It is called "Redeemed" and speaks of the new life we have in Christ when we give him our heart. There is a line that says God tells us to, "stop fighting a fight that's already been won." I just love that. It brings such comfort....such relief to the personal battles we all have. Thoughts like, "if only I had done that differently in my past", "how God, are you going to work out this problem I'm facing", or "why do I keep dwelling on that hurt or struggle?" He tells us to let it go. When we give our lives to Him we are redeemed and set free. Set free from past regrets, present struggles, and doubts of the future.
Another encouragement I draw from "Redeemed" is the line that says "but when I hear you whisper,"child lift up your head", I remember oh God you're not done with me yet." I love this promise. A promise that we are a work in progress. He will never tire of seeing me mature and grow in Him. I can look back and see how far I've come and look forward with excitement and anticipation of how far He has yet to take me. This is the blessing of following Christ. This is the blessing of being redeemed.
...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 1:6
Thank you Lord for the gift of music and songs such as these that speak Your truths to our hearts.
Ready for his first soccer game. What an entertaining thing it is to watch 4 and 5 year olds play soccer :) |
at the soccer game......and go Bucks! :) |
One of the many unique things about my 4 year old....he loves to crack and eat peanuts. He did this for 30 minutes straight while we waited for our table :) |
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