Last night we were going through our normal routine.....baths for all 3 boys...older boys to bed....i collapse on the recliner with Luke to give him his bottle....I reach for my iPad to do my catching up on the day's news with the USA today app....Jack needs to use the bathroom....he asks...I tell him to go...Chase is already sound asleep and snoring....our routine...all things going as they normally do....until Jack makes his walk back from the bathroom. Usually he leans over the railing and says "good night mommy! Love you!". But last night he notices I'm watching a video clip on my iPad. "What are you watching mommy?"..."just a clip of something", I tell him...."well is it good?", he asks. Not quite sure how to respond, since it was just a clip about America's most popular retail stores, I say "yes, it's good". "But is it good for God?", he asks. Well that caught me off guard. In his own way my 6 year old was asking if I was watching something that God would approve of. Thankful that I was watching news and not some of the other craziness that is out there I could honestly say, "yes, it's good for God." But it really made me remember how important it is to be cautious of what we are filling our minds with. Is it pleasing to God? I'm constantly explaining to the boys why we don't watch certain things or play certain ways or use certain language. What a great question Jack came up with to help keep things in check....."is it good for God?". Love it. Love him.
Thank you Lord for holding him in Your hands. May he continue to feel Your presence in his precious young life.
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