Opening Day

I really think Saturday may have been the happiest day of Chase's life.  Opening Day of Seaford Little League.  And he was finally old enough to be on a team!!  Chase loves sports.  all sports.  Football is probably at the top of the list.  But since you need to at least be 9 years old before they let you wear pads and helmets and go tackle someone.......T ball and soccer are a close second.  Jack likes T-ball.  He thinks its fun, he's even quite good at it.....he would just much rather go to work at the farm :)  Chase loves T-ball.  He loves everything about it.  He loves his jersey, his pants, his socks, his hat, his cleats, his bag full of all his gear.  And I love that he loves these things.  It's about the cutest thing ever for a mommy to witness.  Needless to say when we woke him up at 6am on Saturday morning....yes, crazy I get to the ball park for 6:30am pictures....he popped out of bed proclaiming, "It's T-ball day!".  And a great day it was :)

ready to go!

683 little league players at opening ceremonies

Chase was the very first batter of the game.  He did so great!!

Jack in his ready running position :) 

