Oh teeth
This is the stage of teeth. Teeth coming in, teeth going out.....the confusion of the middle child wondering why nothing is going on with his teeth. :) bless him. I'm happy to report that after weeks of drooling, chewing, and more drooling....this little guy has two bottom teeth.
Yes, we still have the drooling and the chewing, but at least we have the teeth to show for it. :) And Jack can't seem to keep teeth in his mouth. He came home from school yesterday with another gap and another little tooth case around his neck. He thinks it's so awesome that he is getting so many "grown up" teeth. To a 6 year old, who most days verbalizes that he "just wants to be a grown up", it's a step in the right direction.
And this I just love. I came into the family room last night to find our family portrait, as seen through the eyes of my four year old. Here we are, all five of us. I think it's absolutely perfect. :)
While he's not busy creating masterpieces, you will most often find Chase in the yard. Practicing. Getting ready for the next big game. He tells me he needs to practice so he can, "hit it hard like the big boys". T-ball is serious business. Happy Tuesday!
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