At His Command
Over the past year, I have felt a shift in my phase of life. As our children get older and more independent, it's almost like coming up for air after a season of survival. Surviving the daily grind of discipline and training little ones...staying persistent and wondering if anything was sinking in...managing 3 schedules of extra curricular activities and piecing it together like a jigsaw puzzle each month. This is certainly not to say that I think the challenges of parenting are coming to an end. That proves daily, not to be the case. But there is a significant change in the issues we deal with and how we go about handling feels just a little less all-consuming. With new phases, come new challenges and questions. What does this new phase look like? my kids are requiring less of my physical presence, time, and discipline and more of my understanding, encouragement, and oh so many prayers. Am I effectively encouraging their in...