
In our ladies Bible study group at church, we are currently going through the book "Heaven", by Jennifer Rothschild.  It has been such a thought provoking and faith stretching first couple of weeks.  It's one of those topics, that the more you study it and read what the Bible has to say about it, the more questions you have.  And at the end of the day you need to be ok with having unanswered questions...there are things that our human minds simply cannot handle knowing...and that is why we have faith.  Faith in knowing that heaven will be everything and so much more than we could possibly ever imagine...faith that, even though we cannot understand how, when this earthly body dies our souls will immediately be in the presence of Jesus.  What an amazing moment that will be.  In the study, we have also been focusing on our dash.  We all have the day we are born and the day we will die...but what about the dash that's in the middle of those two dates? Are we living our days, knowing that while this world is not our final destination, God longs for us to do the work of spreading the gospel to our communities?...are we filling that dash with the things that God desires for our lives?...are we mirroring Jesus in both the mundane moments and the big and exciting moments?  I want to fill my dash with patience, for all the ways I know God is going to move, all in His perfect timing.  I want to fill it with joy.  A joy that cannot be taken away by the frustrations and disappointments of this life, or fears of the unknown.  I want to fill it with contentment. Being content with where God has placed me, the ministry and the work he has given me, the relationships that come into life for a season, and the ones that are there for the long haul...content with living life to its fullest in this broken world, knowing that eternity is just over the horizon.  

I love baseball season.  From Little League to the Major Leagues and everything in between  (well, except maybe for t-ball, that's just tough to watch. ha!).  So when I saw this photo and its caption, it made me catch my breath.  What a cool way to think about it...
