For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And He shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ~Isaiah 9:6~ of the most beautiful passages of scripture and my favorite to reflect on during the Christmas season. What an amazing promise of God....that He would send his the form of an innocent save the world. I strive to keep that at the forefront of all that I do this month. As I'm buying, baking, packaging, singing....I remind myself that these are acts of love....acts of love done to demonstrate and model the love that God poured out to us when He gave the world His son. best. gift. ever. :) Wishing you a very blessed Christmas season.
Showing posts from 2012
The recap

Yes! here it is. a lull in the action. i'm so grateful for the thick fog outside my window that is tricking my boys into thinking it's still somewhat dark outside. :) that, combined with their late night of Christmas tree decorating is hopefully going to gain me an extra hour of quiet this morning. some time to recap our Thanksgiving trip. We started out a bit in our 9 hour trip somehow turned into 11, Jack got carsick, and within an hour of arriving at my brothers house the boys had broken 2 glasses, both had injuries that drew blood, and a collision that caused a goose egg on my baby's noggin. But things turned around quickly. Like on Wednesday morning we slept in until 8:00. That my friends, is three hours later than usual. awesome. And we had great weather for the first few days, giving the boys all the outside time they wanted. Uncle Josh and Aunt Meredith have a wooded back yard with lots of sti...
when you are 2....

When you are 2 your mommy gets the biggest kick out of hearing you talk.....when you are 2 you are just figuring out how to put words into sentences.....when you are 2 it gets so frustrating when you are so clearly trying to make a point and mommy just can't seem to get it.....when you are 2 you are still trying to figure out what all these words mean and how to tell the difference between the ones that sound the same. Take yesterday for instance. On the way home from dropping Jack off at school, Chase tells me, "I want alligator when we home." An alligator? yep, that's what he said. First of all, I had never heard him say alligator before and second of all, I could not figure out why he now thought he wanted one. The entire drive home he kept saying it....and even turned it into a song. I brushed it off and felt content to let his little imagination run wild. We get home, pull into the garage, he hops out of his seat, goes directly to the...
It's that time of year again. We have turned back our clocks and suddenly after dinner it is pitch black outside. NOOO! Gone are the days where we would finish eating and I would say, "ok boys, ready to get back outside!?". I have contemplated strapping head lights to their foreheads and sending them out anyway.....but thinking about the reactions of our neighbors shut down that idea rather quickly. :) It's just that the amount of energy stored up in a 5 year old body needs an outlet. And the wide open space of the back yard is just the perfect spot to let it all out. As you can see I'm still in the adjustment phase of the outdoors being stripped away from our evening hours. But I am thankful that my boys seem to have an appreciation for music.....and expressing themselves through music. So after dinner when I have to say no to going outside, when they just cannot seem to sit and play with toys or books, there is only one thing ...
oldies but goodies
My devotions this morning were focused on the love of God. How amazing it is. I immediately thought of words to my favorite hymn. Hymns truly are great things. Someone once encouraged me to read through hymns as part of my quiet time. I love reading the words that I've sung so many, many times. Words of such truth and wisdom that are still as relevant today as they were when they were penned. So I thought I would share a verse from my favorite, The Love of God . Could we with ink the ocean fill, and were the skies of parchment made, Were every stalk on earth a quill, and every man a scribe by trade, To write the love of God above, Would drain the ocean dry. Nor could the scroll contain the whole, Though stretched from sky to sky. O love of God, how rich and pure, how measureless and strong. It shall forevermore endure The saints' and angel's song. I think of this verse so often. I l...
The bright side of the cold

There are few things about winter that make me super happy. Of course there are all of the wonderful holidays and gatherings that happen during this time of year...which I absolutely love.....but I'm talking about the winter weather. The cold, the bare trees, the short daylight hours, the freezing rain, the snow...things of that nature.....I'm just not a huge fan. However there is one thing that I do love as a result of all those things. Actually two things. First the fact that it means I get to see a lot more of my hubby and second is this..... This is a wonderful thing. We had our first fire of the season last night and it made the fact that it was cold and rainy outside so much more manageable. This is by far one of the best features of our home. I love the atmosphere it creates, the smell it makes, the sounds of the crackling wood, and most of all the toasty warmth it brings to my body. I've been known to fall asleep on th...
on the other side
So here we are on the other side of the storm.....the refrigerator is still stocked, the bathtubs still filled with water, the flashlights and the generator still on standby. In other words....we never lost power!!! which is mind boggling considering how hard it was blowing and raining.....the lights flashed throughout the day but never went off completely. We are so thankful electricity and our thoughts are with all those who are still without power. Spending over 24 hours confined to our house with my 2 boys made me even more grateful for our spacious back yard where we spend the majority of our time. Whew....those boys need open air.....bouncing off the walls does not even begin to describe the situation in our house around 6pm last night :) But I do love them dearly. And am so thankful that we are safe and sound and leaving Sandy in our past. I'm anxious to see what the daylight brings. More updates to come on the ...
well....our refrigerators are stocked, bathtubs are filled with water, the generator is on standby and we are fully supplied with batteries for our flashlights and lanterns....thank you dad :). Now we wait. And hope for the best. I must say it is slightly unnerving for this land-locked Ohio native to be sitting right in the center of the path of a hurricane. My first experience was last fall with Hurricane Irene, but that didn't seem to compare in size to this one. So we give it to He calls us to do. For reasons we don't understand he is allowing this storm to occur. As I wrote a few posts back, we trust Him and His purposes. Thank you to all who have been checking in on us and praying for our safety. We are so thankful for a warm and sturdy home where we can be safe from this storm. The lights just flashed a few times so power may be on the way out. That's my cue to wrap this up I ...

I just have to say ...... If this doesn't bring a smile to your face then I really do not know what will. My police officer and Jake (and the Neverland pirates) all ready for costume day at school. They were so proud of their costumes :) Trick or Treat! Chase was so excited about all of his candy! I joined Chase's class for their party ..... here's a peek at his class enjoying snack time It's been a busy time at preschool these last 2 week with parties, special activities, and field trips. Last week I went with Jack to Mr. Pepper's Pumpkin patch where the kids learned about all the different types of pumpkins and then got to pick one of their own! Loved spending this time with my oldest :) Happy Friday and Happy Birthday to my wonderful father-in-law!! We love you Dad!!
I cherish my mornings with the Lord. The early hour of the morning when my kids are still sleeping and the house is silent. Every morning is treasured, but there are those in particular when God speaks to me so directly through His word that I can only smile and feel so secure and anchored by the One who knows me best. This was such a morning.... my reading was from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. "Therefore we do not lose heart....For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal work of glory....For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." I am so thankful for this reminder that even when we think we are at the end of our rope, there is always hope in Jesus. I read somewhere that faith in God does not make troubles disappear but it makes troubles appear less frightening because we have the right perspective. I need to continual...
I know we are beyond blessed when my son has 15 people show up at his soccer game to cheer him on....when they travel many miles to be here for his birthday party....when I see the smiles of my sweet niece and nephew....when my boy hugs me and says, "mommy that was the best birthday ever!"...when my mother-in-law spends hours creating a birthday cake with a combine on it because that's what the birthday boy wanted....when I'm thinking how fortunate I am to have two amazing sisters-in-law who also happen to be two of my closest buddies .... when both sides of our family gather together and there is joy and happiness....and how I know that no matter what I can always count on each of those people, leaning on their constant love and support. So to our guys rock. You made Jack's weekend over-the-top special. We are blessed beyond measure. A few looks from the weekend....compliments of Aunt Mal :) ...
5 years old!

Five years ago today my life changed forever when we welcomed Jack Charles into this world. At that very moment everything changed. In that instant it was no longer about me...but it was about that child that God had given me. A miracle....plopped right into my arms for me to love and nurture and ultimately, give back to Him. What a journey the last five years have been. Mothering Jack has brought me to my knees and has given me a realization that apart from God's strength, this would be a nearly impossible job. :) His strong will never ceases to amaze me. Can't he just give in once in awhile?! His passion for working and diligence in everything that he does seems to be a unique trait for a boy of his age. His ability to hear something once...remember it....and then use it in the proper context weeks's a mystery to me. What a joy....what a privilege to be a witness to his life. There is a special bond b...
a dilemma :)

Yesterday morning I was getting Chase dressed before Jack ... which rarely happens. Jack was jumping around in Chase's room one moment and in the next moment was gone. A few minutes passed and when he reappeared he was fully dressed. This was a big deal. "Look what I did mommy!" he yelled all while smiling, jumping and dancing around the room. I was so proud....considering I usually lay his clothes out for him and help him along with the process. So here was the dilemma. The clothes he had on were the same ones he wore the day before....he had retrieved them from the dirty clothes basket. His pants and shirt were backwards, his underwear was inside out and his socks didn't match. What's a mom to do? Ever-so-lovingly tell him how proud I am...but let him know that he got it all wrong....without somehow bursting his bubble? Or do I just let it ride?... and believe that one day soon he will know that the hamper is not the...
From the mouths of my children...
From Jack: "This is exasperating!" of his favorite expressions right now. "Mommy did you know that humongous is a three syllable word?" .... Why yes Jack I did know that. The question is how did you? "Mommy I'm so glad you will still fix me lunch even when I'm a grown up." ... To which I ask how old he thinks he will be when he is considered a grown up. His response without any hesitation ... "Fifty five years old." From Chase: "Who was dat?" ... Whenever he hears thunder. :) "Are these me's?" ... When meaning to say, " are these mine?" And I just have to say that there are few things sweeter than hearing Chase sing This Little Light of Mine with his Daddy at bedtime. On another note, this just made me chuckle. I'm thinking most kids have their sandboxes refilled with those nice little bags of sand that their dad picked up at Lowes. Well let's just say, that's not...
Redeemed: to be given a new identity
There is a song that has been playing on Christian radio lately that just blesses my soul each time I hear it. It is called "Redeemed" and speaks of the new life we have in Christ when we give him our heart. There is a line that says God tells us to, "stop fighting a fight that's already been won." I just love that. It brings such comfort....such relief to the personal battles we all have. Thoughts like, "if only I had done that differently in my past", "how God, are you going to work out this problem I'm facing", or "why do I keep dwelling on that hurt or struggle?" He tells us to let it go. When we give our lives to Him we are redeemed and set free. Set free from past regrets, present struggles, and doubts of the future. Another encouragement I draw from "Redeemed" is the line that says "but when I hear you whisper,"child lift up your head", I remember oh God you're not done with me ...
Visit from grandma, first days, and corn.

Ahhh. Peace. Sunshine. Cool breeze. Here I am sitting on my porch alone. ALONE!? wait, what?! yep I said it. Both boys started preschool last week. Chase, 2 mornings a week. Jack, 4 mornings. So for 2 mornings I get to savor a little me time, and quite frankly...I. am. happy. Amazing what just a very short time can do to recharge my mommy batteries. By the time 11:15 rolls around I will be very anxiously waiting to pick up the boys, dying to hear about what they did, who they talked to, what they learned.....preschool is a beautiful thing for all :). We had a wonderful time last week as my mom was here with us. It's always nice when she can stay for awhile and experience the everyday life with us. But the everyday certainly had some extra things thrown in...she helped me tackle projects like washing all my windows, pulling weeds, cleaning ceiling fa...
in pictures.
I just love this picture. If anyone knows how to enjoy a big chocolate cupcake with gooey chocolate frosting, it is my dear Chase. He spotted these at the church picnic and said "have that mommy!". So have it he did. And slowly but surely he ate every last bit of it, occasionally saying "tasty!" Celebrating 8 years together with a rare evening out with my hubby. Another soccer practice for this guy. Amazing to see how much he has improved just in a week! Now this. This is a picture of what was left of a Popsicle that Chase ate after dinner last night. For the life of me I could not find the other half of that stick. So I asked Chase what he did with it. He looked at me with those sparkly blue eyes and sneaky grin and said, "me ate it." And given the way this child can eat it wouldn't have surprised me if he had!! :) An hour or so later I did find the remaining half of the stick stuck to his ...

Eight years ago today. Eight years ago my dad walked me down the aisle and gave me away. He gave me away to the man I would spend the next eight years falling even more in love with. He gave me away to a man who truly loves me just as I am....he understands me without needing an explanation ....he knows what frustrates me and what gives me the giggles....he has never stopped telling me I am beautiful, even through two pregnancies when I felt everything but that....he is my steady calm through the ups and downs of life.....and there is not a person in this world I would rather be sharing my life with. Eight years. And to think, this is still the beginning! There is so much more ahead. So much more love to be shared. So many more memories to be made. I am blessed beyond measure and thank God daily for my wonderful husband. Happy Anniversary honey! Just engaged :) Best. Day. Ever.
Family and Soccer
Since my last post we made another trip back home to Ohio. And yet again I was so pleased with how well the boys did on the trip. Sure they had their moments, but overall I really cannot complain. Of course it certainly helped that we had daddy with us this time. Yey!!! Nothing like 9 hours in the car to bring the family closer together. :) We shared a wonderful weekend with 4 generations of my Slabach family. What a blessing it is to come from so many generations of believers. It was a great time of games, campfires, and fellowship. A first for Jack this week: soccer practice!! It's his first experience playing an organized sport and he did great! He seems to be quite excited about it. As we were driving home from practice he was talking non-stop about all that they had done and as he was getting carried away with his little 4 year old self he says, "and Mommy, I kicked the ball up so high in the a...