
well I think the last time I've experienced 70 degree weather on a December day was back when I was living in Florida....prior to marriage....prior to residing in Delaware ...prior to having other words.....a very long time ago.  Yet, here we are in the midst of an unusually warm Christmas season.  Stranger things have happened I suppose, but it sure feels odd to see the bell ringer at Walmart in shorts and flip flops.  I'm not complaining.  The longer the cold is delayed the happier I am :)

This month is flying by and we have been enjoying our annual Christmas festivities.  The baking, the decorating, the parade, the Christmas songs, the tree.  Oh the tree.  Let me just tell you about this year's tree. It's artificial.  and I love it.  and here's why....there was no nagging my hubby to go to town to buy a tree....there was no debating about which tree was the right shape, the right deciding fir or getting it home only to find out that many of the bottom branches needed to be hacked off in order for it to fit in the debating about if it was straight or which way to turn turn watering.....and no needles....i repeat, no needles.  The struggle was real my friends. so here's to lessons learned, memories made, and the embracing of a new tradition.  here's to the beauty of an artificial tree!!
it's about all this guy can do to keep his hands off those presents.  There is nothing better than anticipating Christmas with your kiddos :)

I was honored over the last several months to work with a great bunch of kids to put together a Christmas program.  We presented it yesterday morning at church and I could not be more proud of each and every one of them! 

And lastly, here is what it looks like when you are a mother of three boys and you attempt to get the annual obligatory "my kids in front of a tree" Christmas picture.

no again

um no

better, but now we've lost the little one

I'll take it! :)

What a great and mighty God we serve.  That he would give us his only Son.  That he would enter this crazy world in such a humble way.  That he would then give up his life for us.  That he would love us in a way that is nearly incomprehensible to our human minds.  What an amazing God.  What an amazing gift.  It's all we need.  I pray that it would be all that each of us desire.  

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!
