
Showing posts from August, 2017

13 years

We are in a stretch of many days that feel like this.... So we took a fun family day yesterday to do this.... a day at my favorite place with my favorite people... especially this guy today marks 13 years of this crazy and wild ride called marriage.  I'm not sure how that much time has passed.  I'm not sure how our boys are growing up so fast, turning into such wonderful young men.  I'm not sure how our twenties seem like so long ago.  I'm not sure how we are going to make it though the teenage years.....yikes.  But I am sure, that we serve a good and gracious God, blessing us in ways far beyond what we ever could have imagined.  and I'm sure that he knew exactly what he was doing when he joined our lives together 13 years ago.   And I'm sure that I love you more and more as each year passes.  Happy Anniversary my love!!
We've been enjoying wonderful weeks full of sweet summertime fun!   Chase's all star team finished up their season with a championship win!  Such a proud day for coach Dad.  Great job Nanticoke All Stars!! We checked another thing off our summer to do list by taking the older boys to their first O's game.  It could not have been a more perfect night. visit from Ohio family!   my freezer is now stocked full of our garden's sweet corn.   State Fair fun! Tons of fun of the river with Virginia cousins and Luke's new best buddy, Scout! :) love these kids so much! yum.  summer produce is the best.   Only two and a half more weeks until I send my kiddos back to school.  Football practice began last night for the older boys and I'm starting to get that itch for fall as I always do.  What a great summer it has been!!