is that you Spring?

This weather!  nothing like a glimpse of Spring in the middle of February.  We are loving it.  all things are better when kids can spend the majority of their free time outside.  Baseball is around the corner and the boys have been dusting off their gear and getting back into the swing.  ha!  see what I did there :)  and that my friends, is about the extent of the creativity I am able to muster for this post.   I can share with you the highlight of this month.  As much as I love my children and love spending time and sharing life with them, there comes a time every couple years when my hubby and I sneak away for a long weekend.  Just long enough to feel refreshed, but no so long that I feel like my heart is going to break in two from missing my kids.  I know, I can't explain it.  mamas who want a break from their kids more then anything....but cannot handle being away from them for any length of time. It's a timeless mystery that will never be understood.  All that to say, I am so grateful for the time we had away.  Lots of sunshine, lots of yummy food, lots of rest, and the wonderful joy of just being together.  A HUGE thank you to Grandpa and Grandma for filling our shoes and keeping the ship sailing while we were away.  we know that is no simple task.

love you honey!

And wishing a very happy birthday to the best mom a girl could ask for.  Looking forward to seeing you soon!  Happy Birthday Mom!!

