catching up...

It's becoming increasingly difficult to stay connected to my blog.  Hence...a nearly 2 month gap in between posts.  When I finally manage to find a few extra minutes to sit down at the computer I immediately start thinking of everything else I should be doing and then decide to do those things...resulting in no writing for the blog.  I'm not even sure on most days that I can formulate thoughts worth reading.  Survival and stamina are the goal of life right now and who wants to hear about that?!  haha!  I've debated shutting down the blog due to the lack of posts.  But instead I'm going to just chalk this period of life up to another stage...a stage that will one day they all do.  One day, free time for writing and reflection will not be so hard to come by and I'll look back on these sparse postings and smile.  And thank God for getting us through in one piece.  And I know all the parents out there with busy young kiddos and spouses know exactly the stage I'm talking about.  Time for writing takes a back seat for now, but I wouldn't trade this front row seat to the lives of my children for anything. 

And it's almost summer.  Yessssss!

a bit of what's been going on.....

Field trips, lots of field trips....

Baseball!  lots and lots of baseball....

a couple stitches...just to keep things interesting

helping dad get the corn planted

school run-a-thon

school programs...

a definite upside to kids growing up!

AWANA closing ceremony...what a great year we had.

early morning selfies with this cutie

and a day made very special by these three little blessed to be their momma!


  1. Love, love these pictures!! They mean so much to this "far away" grandma!


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