Beginning again

Of all the times to take a break from blogging, I'm thinking 2020 wasn't the time to do so.  In the past, this blog has served as a journal of sorts, for me.  Something to read back through for little snippets of what was going on in my life and in my soul at those specific moments in time.  Two thousand and twenty was definitely a year unlike any other.  One that we will talk about and look back on for a long time. The crazy running out of toilet paper...not leaving the house for weeks at a time...running out of cleaning supplies...not attending church for months.  The overwhelming homeschooling without any time to prepare...the rapid spread of an unknown virus....wondering if life will ever return to normal.  And the irreplaceable having my faith stretched and strengthened unlike ever being so grateful for health and grateful for a safe home and outside space that make sheltering in place not so bad....for the bonds my boys have formed, which may not have been the case were it not for the quarantine....and the list could go on and on.  I kept a prayer journal throughout the year, which I'm so glad for.  It's great to look back and see God's faithfulness, even in the midst of the confusion and frustrations of the year.  Now here we are in a new year, and I have felt a nudge to fire the blog back up.  Honestly, there is no great reason why I stopped.  Other than, life.  The busyness of life....the frustrations of life....the highs that are always eventually followed by a low....the realization that I really didn't have the time or the desire to write anymore....and the awareness that I never wanted to come to the place where it would be a burden or an obligation.  All that to say, I just needed to shut it down for awhile.  But now, I'm ready to write again.  To continue to use this space as a place to note the small and insignificant things...the grand, and never-want-to-forget things...and the moments where God so graciously teaches me new and exciting truths about who He is and who He is calling me to be.  So here's to beginning....again...and praying I can be a blessing to some of you along the way.  

To catch you up...this is my crew.  13, almost 11, and 7.  And I have no idea how that happened so fast.  

The oldest loves to hunt...


and eat. :)  amongst many other things.

The middle one loves baseball...

anything related to any sport....


and baking!

And the youngest...he loves his pets

anything water related..

his brothers...

and really just life in general!

We are a farming the ups and downs of what comes with that....yet so grateful for the many ways God continues to pour his blessings over all of it.  

I have absolutely no idea what this year is going to bring....but I know that God has a plan....whether we understand it or not.  I also know we have a choice.  A choice to live in fear, or in confidence that the God we serve has promised to never leave us or forsake us.  And with that promise, I am ready for whatever is coming.  

Here we go 2021! 


  1. Jen!!! I love that you’re blogging again! I love to read these updates and see all the pictures . I love you all so much!! Looking forward to all the posts to come .


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