Best-laid plans

One day, we're going say, "hey do you remember that time when we tried so hard to plan a vacation for just the five of us to get away for some rest and fun and then the pandemic cancelled our original plans, so we went to plan B and hoped for the best but then less than 24 hours before our flight was supposed to leave we all tested positive for COVID?  that was an interesting time."😳.......well, one day is not yet.  and that time?.......well, it's now.  

Literally moments before I was checking into our flight I got a call that my hubby got a positive test and wasn't feeling too good.  And down we went after that.  Ugh.  The good news...the kids are doing great and basically symptom free.  Chad and I are managing fine and just ready to have this behind us.  So if we needed a lesson in letting go of the reins and remembering that it's important to be flexible and not always expect things to go like we think they should....well, lesson received.  I'm just so grateful that we are at home and not many miles away trying to tackle this virus.  

a few thoughts currently swirling around in my head....

we are so well loved....the amount of prayers, texts, encouraging words, meals offered, and just genuine care and concern that we have been shown is overwhelming....even from the airline worker who went above and beyond to help me with cancellations.

winter is the worst....I have always felt this way....but it has been reconfirmed as we are looking at cold rain, snow, and ice, from the windows of our quarantined space. 

spring is coming....literally and figuratively.  health and wellness are around the corner, warm weather will one day return, we will find healing for the pain and heartache our world has endured, and we will feel normal again...even if it is a new normal...that is, if we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.  He's the author and finisher and it is in Him alone that I will firmly stake my hope.

Happy Tuesday all! here's to several more days of distance learning, reading books, playing lots board games, and becoming master Lincoln log builders...

