9 years!

Today I want to say "Happy Anniversary!"  to my very best friend....my hubby....my partner.... There is no other person I would rather be sharing life with.  You are so many things to me but most importantly a wonderful husband to me and daddy to our boys.  And you also should receive a reward.....a medal of the highest honor.....for helping me through this not so pretty pregnancy :)  The leg massages....the many carry out dinners.....the reassuring words like no, my stomach is not going to explode no matter how large I might think that I am :)  Things like that.  I cannot wait to meet this next little member of our family with you standing beside me.  Words cannot express the joy that you and our boys bring to my days.  I am overwhelmed by the blessings God has given me and all of those blessings find you at the center.  Happy Anniversary sweetheart.  I love you with all my heart!
