Peter, James, and John

Bath time at our house is also usually song time for the boys.  One of their favorites is a song about Peter, James, and John....their little sail boat....their frustrations with not catching any fish....Jesus walking on the water and instructing them to cast their nets on the other side.....and then of course, "the little boat was filled with fishes".  :)  I love teaching the boys songs like this...songs that my momma taught me when I was little.  This particular song we have sung many, MANY, times since Jack was a baby.  They love the motions and know all the words and like to sing it over and over again.  Last night we were singing it the second time through when Jack stopped singing and just sat still in the tub with suds covering his face :)  "What's wrong buddy?, I asked.  "Well I'm just wondering how Jesus could walk on the water.  Wouldn't he sink?  I don't think I could walk on the water...."  And there it was.  An open door for me to explain a miraculous act of Jesus.  After my explanation he pondered a bit longer and said...."Jesus must be pretty special." :)  Pretty special indeed. 

Thank you God, for these signs that my firstborn is thinking about you....recognizing that you are a God of miracles and able to do the unthinkable.  I pray that his heart will be drawn to you and that one day in the near future his mind will be able to grasp that You are at the heart of all we say and do....that there is nothing more satisfying than a life spent following and trusting in You. 


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