a break...

And just like that we are midway through January. You would think that my lack of posting would be due to some sort of writer's block, which may be partly true. But mostly it's just that my precious blogging time has been getting swept under the rug by too many other things. But I've done it in the past, so my goal is to get back to a post or two a week. We'll see how that goes :).

But for now....let me just remember what I was doing last week at this time.......ahhhh yes.......I was climbing aboard a little boat with my hubby that would take us to the Bahamian islands for a few days. It was the first cruise for both of us and I'm happy to report a complete success. What a wonderful time we had....just the two of us....remembering how much we enjoy hanging out with each other :). So despite feeling a little guilty for leaving the kiddos at home, and feeling a little selfish for thinking I deserved a break....I came home feeling even more grateful than ever for the blessing of my husband and our marriage.....feeling renewed and rested....ready to resume the crazy and hectic state that is our life. It's amazing what 4 days can do :)

Ship Lobby

Lounging on the Deck

Southernmost point in the US

Fabulous dinners...

after my Dolphin Swim .... felt like I was fulfilling my childhood fantasy of becoming a Sea World trainer!  :)  

this place = perfection

Castaway Cay

If there was a downside of the trip it was this......apparently I've lost the ability to sleep in. :(  5am....every morning....there I was.....watching hubby rest peacefully....wondering why on earth I could not go back to sleep.  Maybe it was the excitement....maybe it was the swaying of the boat....or maybe I really do have a condition....but either way, had I been sleeping I would not have enjoyed this lovely start of the day each morning on our deck....so beautiful
