almost here

There is something beautiful on the horizon.  I can see it coming 'round the bend.  Sweet, sweet spring.  I was beginning to think you were never going to join us.  Yet, here you come.  Just days away.  Can I get an amen!?  The time changes. and instantly I get more sleeping minutes from my boys who rise with the sun in the morning, and more outdoor playtime in the evenings.  What's not to love about that? Welcome spring!!  We're ready and waiting :)

This was one happy birthday boy with a football birthday cake made just for him by his sweet Grandma!  As always....simply amazing Mom!!

This guy.  he is definitely in the shoe stage.  I remember it well from my other two.  As with everything....this too shall pass.  In the meantime I spend lots of time gathering shoes from various places around the house :) 

love this.  Jack is a wonderful big brother to Luke.  And I'm pretty sure he is Luke's favorite person... apart from Daddy.  They are so similar.  Which is both sweet.....and scary.  Could there really be a Jack #2?!  Time will tell :)

Happy Tuesday!  Hope you enjoy a springlike day wherever you are.
