
On Thursday Jack's 4 year old class took a field trip to Loblolly Acres Christmas tree farm.  Here are a few highlights....
  • Listening to thirty 4 year olds attempting to say "Loblolly"
  • Watching thirty moms attempt to put gloves on their 4 year olds.  (This is by far one of the most frustrating mommy jobs associated with cold weather.  Why those 5 little fingers cannot just slip into those 5 little holes is beyond me)
  • Hearing Jack tell Santa that he wants a big Case tractor for Christmas. 
  • Jack asking me how Santa is going to get back to the North Pole and "why is he already here????"
  • Watching Jack and his little friends feed Russell the goat Fruitloops out of their palms
  • Squeezing together on the hayride in attempt not to FREEZE!
  • Spending one-on-one time with my firstborn.  love that.
