
I've finally done it. I have started a blog. After much prompting from many of you I came to the conclusion that yes, this could be a good thing. A creative outlet for days that at times seem to lack any type of creativity whatsoever. So "Splash in the Rain Puddles". A title that is true to what I hope is my attitude in life. Life is a gift. There are always good things to be found in it. On rainy days when my 4 year old asks, "Mommy can I go play in the rain puddles?", I want my response to be "yes, and I'm coming with you!!" It is so easy to get bogged down with the busyness of my days, the challenges of mothering little ones, the somewhat overwhelming task of living out holiness in an unholy world. But at the end of the day, there is joy. Joy when I kiss my babies good night and when they come running for hugs in the morning, joy when my husband walks in the door after a long day of work, joy in the quietness of the morning when I meet with Jesus over my cup of coffee. Joy is there, and that is where my focus lies. So this is my blog. A place where I will share moments from my journey, and pray that it will be an encouragement to anyone who happens to stumble upon it.


  1. Yes! Yes! Definitely an encouragement to me ... the one so very blessed to be your mother-in-law. Love you, Jen!


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