
I always find Monday mornings to be refreshing.  It's the time when I tear all the sheets of the beds and replace them with fresh crisp ones from the linen closet.  The time where I tackle the giant pile of laundry that has built up over the last several days.  I make my menu and grocery list for the week and by the end of the morning I am feeling ready to take on the week that lies ahead.  However this morning I am also reflecting on the weekend.  This month in my quiet time, each day I am specifically acknowledging something I am thankful for.  Today it is thankfulness for the body of believers.  We are studying Genesis in our ladies bible study and last week we talked about how alone Noah must have felt when such wickedness filled the earth that God was left with no choice but to, "wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth"...."but Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord."  Talk about feeling alone in your faith!  My weekend consisted of a lovely wedding on Saturday afternoon, taking in some great college football with friends on Saturday night, a wonderful worship service on Sunday morning, rehearsing a beautiful Christmas cantata on Sunday evening, and a special time of gathering with our dear Life Group on Sunday night.  I am feeling blessed beyond measure to be so surrounded by the family of God.  How fortunate I am, despite all the wickedness in the world, to be loved and accepted by fellow believers...all striving to follow Christ with our whole hearts.  We are not alone and for that I am so grateful.

On another note....something else I am grateful for?  Seeing the occasional moments when my boys seem to actually enjoy each others company.  The moments when no one is screaming, picking, pushing, get the picture. :)  Although few and far between, I do get glimpses of what I hope will one day be a lifelong bond between brothers.  I mean c'mon...does it get any cuter than this?


  1. I love the picture of the boys! So precious. Miss you all!


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